Join the LWA!

Farmer's hands sifting through soil in golden light

We are proud to be members of the Landworkers’ Alliance- a labour union representing land-based workers committed to agroecology - from organic farmers to sustainable foresters and urban mushroom cultivators too.

Unions are organized associations of workers that assist members, collectively bargain for better compensation, leverage political pressure and organize industrial action (strikes) when necessary.
Unions have fought for and won rights we now take for granted, like breaks, minimum wage, sick pay, and better wages. However, since the 1980s, government interventions have weakened union victories. Strengthening unions is key to challenging the destructive forces of neoliberalism.
Unions are particularly important in the food sector. Small scale growers produce 70% of our food but often are isolated and pressured to lower their prices by multinational supermarkets, wholesalers and traders.
The LWA is a member of La Via Campesina, the international peasant’s movement for food sovereignty representing 200 million farmers worldwide. LWA brings together over a thousand workers and small businesses across the UK who share a radical vision of transforming our food system. They also support members with resources, mentoring opportunities, emergency solidarity funding and more.
The LWA are an important voice in the policy world, working to represent the interests of sustainable land workers. Just last month they published a manifesto for the Scottish parliament which can be found on their website. It’s packed full of policy suggestions to accelerate the uptake of agroecological practices such as; encouraging more young people into farming; diversifying rural land ownership; building local food economies by encouraging schools, hospitals and other public institutions to buy local food and more. Check out their work and join as a supporter if you can!


Food Justice 101


Oyster Mushrooms